
The sonic success of David King; Inventor of BatBox detectors

Season 5 Episode 53
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00:00 | 29:01

Steve spotted his first bats of the year out on the wing this week—a sure sign that spring’s on the way. Have you seen any yet? Text the show to tell Steve about your first bat of the year and see if we can draw up a picture of where bats have been seen across the country during this spell of warmer weather. Don’t forget to include your name.

S5E53 This week we join David King who created the BatBox III and BatBox Duet detectors amongst several others for four decades. David tells Steve of how it all came about and they delve into the history of bat detecting, how the Bat Detective book and CD was created and we get an insight into his views on the future of technology used by ecologists and conservationists alike.  

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Bats are magical but misunderstood. At BCT our vision is a world rich in wildlife where bats and people thrive together. Action to protect & conserve bats is having a positive impact on bat populations in the UK. We would not be able to continue our work to protect bats & their habitats without your contribution so if you can please donate. We need your support now more than ever: Thank you!

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